Module deeplenstronomy.input_reader

Parse a user configuration file.

Expand source code
"""Parse a user configuration file."""

import copy
import random
import os
import sys
import yaml

from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
import numpy as np

import deeplenstronomy.timeseries as timeseries
from deeplenstronomy.utils import dict_select, dict_select_choose, draw_from_user_dist, KeyPathDict, read_cadence_file
import deeplenstronomy.distributions as distributions
import deeplenstronomy.special as special
import deeplenstronomy.surveys as surveys
import deeplenstronomy.check as big_check

class Parser():
    Load yaml inputs into a single dictionary and trigger automatic checks for user errors.


    def __init__(self, config, survey=None):
            config (str): name of yaml configuration file
            survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args
        # Check for annoying tabs - there's probably a better way to do this

        # Fill in sections of the configuration file for a specific survey
        if survey is not None:
            config = self.write_survey(config, survey)
        # Read main configuration file
        self.full_dict =
        # If the main file points to any input files, read those too

        # Check for user-specifed probability distributions and backgrounds
        # Check for user errors in inputs


    def write_survey(self, config, survey):
        Writes survey information to config file. Creates a new file named {survey}_{config}
        by copying the contents of {config} and appending the IMAGE and SURVEY sections for 
        a desired survey. The yaml parser will automatically overwrite the IMAGE and SURVEY
        dictionary keys.

            config (str): name of yaml configuration file
            survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args

            outfile (str): name of survey-specific configuration file
        # set new config file name
        config_basename = config.split('/')
        if len(config_basename) == 1:
            outfile = survey + '_' + config
            outfile = '/'.join(config_basename[0:-1]) + '/' + survey + '_' + config_basename[-1]

        # write new config file
        with open(config, 'r') as old, open(outfile, 'w+') as new:
        return outfile
    def _include_inputs(self):
        Searches for uses of the keyword INPUT and adds the file contents to the main configuration dictionary.
        config_dict = KeyPathDict(self.full_dict.copy(), keypath_separator='.')
        for input_path in self.input_paths:
            input_dict ='config_dict["' + input_path.replace('.', '"]["') + '"]["INPUT"]'))
            for k, v in input_dict.items():
                exec('config_dict["' + input_path.replace('.', '"]["') + '"][k] = v')

        self.config_dict = config_dict

    def _get_input_locations(self):
        input_paths = self._get_kw_locations("INPUT")
        self.input_paths = input_paths

    def _get_file_locations(self):        
        file_paths = []
        if "DISTRIBUTIONS" in self.full_dict.keys():
            for k in self.full_dict['DISTRIBUTIONS'].keys():
                file_paths.append('DISTRIBUTIONS.' + k)
        self.file_paths = file_paths


    def _get_image_locations(self):
        file_paths = []
        image_configurations = []
        if "BACKGROUNDS" in self.full_dict.keys():
            self.image_configurations = self.full_dict['BACKGROUNDS']['CONFIGURATIONS'][:]
        self.image_paths = file_paths

    def _get_kw_locations(self, kw):
        Find locations in main dictionary where a keyword is used

        :param kw: str, a keyword to search the dict keys for
        :return: paths: list, the keypaths to all occurances of kw
        d = KeyPathDict(self.full_dict, keypath_separator='.')
        locs = [x.find(kw) for x in d.keypaths()]
        paths = [y for y in [x[0:k-1] if k != -1 else '' for x, k in zip(d.keypaths(), locs)] if y != '']
        return paths

    def read(self, config):
        Reads config file into a dictionary and returns it.
            config (str): Name of config file.
            config_dict (dict): Dictionary containing config information.

        with open(config, 'r') as config_file_obj:
            config_dict = yaml.safe_load(config_file_obj)
        return config_dict

    def _parse_for_tabs(self, config):
        Check for the existence of tab characters that might break yaml
        stream = open(config, 'r')
        lines = stream.readlines()

        bad_line_numbers = []
        for index, line in enumerate(lines):
            if line.find('\t') != -1:
                bad_line_numbers.append(str(index + 1))

        if len(bad_line_numbers) != 0:
            print("Tab characters detected on the following lines:")
            print("    " + ', '.join(bad_line_numbers))
            print("Please correct the tabs and restart")
    def check(self):
        Check configuration file for possible user errors.
        big_check._run_checks(self.full_dict, self.config_dict)

class Organizer():
    def __init__(self, config_dict, verbose=False):
        Break up config dict into individual simulation dicts.
            config_dict (dict): an instance of Parser.config_dict
            verbose (bool, optional, default=False): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args
        self.main_dict = config_dict.copy()

    def __track_species_keys(self):
        """Create a map of object name to species keys"""
        species_map = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'].items():
            species_map[v['NAME']] = k
        self._species_map = species_map

    def _convert_to_string(self, distribution_dict, bands):
        Convert distribution dict into callable method
        :param distribution_dict: dicitonary containing pdf info
        :return: method: callable method as string
        #this some magic
        if isinstance(distribution_dict['PARAMETERS'], dict):
            return distribution_dict['NAME'] + '(' + ', '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in distribution_dict['PARAMETERS'].items()]) + ', bands="{0}"'.format(','.join(bands)) + ')'
            return distribution_dict['NAME'] + '(bands="{0}")'.format(','.join(bands))

    def _draw(self, distribution_dict, bands):
        Draw a random value from the specified distribution
        :param distribution_dict: dicitonary containing pdf info
        :return: value: sampled value from distribution
        draw_command = 'distributions.{0}'.format(self._convert_to_string(distribution_dict, bands))
        return eval(draw_command)

    def _choose_position(self, ra_host, dec_host, sep, sep_unit, cosmo, redshift=None, angle=None):
        Select an ra and dec that will be sep away from the host
        :param ra_host: x-coord of point source host
        :param dec_host: y-coord of point source host
        :param sep: angular separation between point source and host
        :param sep_unit: either 'kpc' or 'arcsec'
        :param redshift: cosmological redshift, required if units are in kpc
        :param angle: desired position of point source in radians, random if None
        :return: chosen_ra: x-coord of chosen point sep away from host
        :return: chosen_dec: y-coord of chosen point sep away from host
        if angle is None:
            angle = random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi)

        if sep_unit == 'arcsec':            
            chosen_ra = np.cos(angle) * sep + ra_host
            chosen_dec = np.sin(angle) * sep + dec_host
        elif sep_unit == 'kpc':
            kpc_to_arcsec = cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_comoving(redshift).value / (1. + redshift)
            chosen_ra = np.cos(angle) * sep * kpc_to_arcsec + ra_host
            chosen_dec = np.sin(angle) * sep * kpc_to_arcsec + dec_host
            raise NotImplementedError("unexpected sep_unit")
        return chosen_ra, chosen_dec

    def _find_obj_string(self, obj_name, configuration):
        Return the location of an object in the flattened dictionary
        :param obj_name: the name of the object
        :param configuration: 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc.
        :return: obj_string: the location of the object in the flattened dictionary

        d = KeyPathDict(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration].copy(), keypath_separator='.')
        for x in d.keypaths():
            f = "['" + "']['".join(x.split('.')) + "']"
            k = eval("d" + f)
            if k == obj_name:
                return x.replace('.', '-')

        #return [x.replace('.', '-') for x in d.keypaths() if eval("d['" + "']['".join(x.split('.')) + "']") == obj_name][0]

    def _flatten_and_fill(self, config_dict, cosmo, objid=0):
        Flatten input dictionary, and sample from any specified distributions
        :param config_dict: dictionary built up by self.breakup()
        :param cosmo: an astropy.cosmology instance
        :return: flattened_and_filled dictionary: dict ready for individual image sim
        bands = config_dict['SURVEY_DICT']['BANDS'].split(',')
        output_dict = {x: {} for x in bands}

        #Object IDs
        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['OBJID'] = objid

        pointing = random.choice(list(set(self.cadence_dict.keys()) - set(['REFERENCE_MJD'])))
        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['POINTING'] = pointing
        for k, v in config_dict['COSMOLOGY_DICT'].items():
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for k, v in config_dict['IMAGE_DICT'].items():
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for k, v in config_dict['SURVEY_DICT'].items():
            if k == 'BANDS': 
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES'] = config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES']
        for noise_idx in range(config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES']):
            noise_source_num = noise_idx + 1
            noise_name = config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)]
            for band in bands:
                output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)] = noise_name
            for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[noise_name]]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    draws = self._draw(v['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                    for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                        output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-{1}'.format(noise_source_num, k)] = draw
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-{1}'.format(noise_source_num, k)] = v

        for k, v in config_dict['SIM_DICT'].items():
            for band in bands:
                output_dict[band][k] = v

        for plane_idx in range(config_dict['SIM_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_PLANES']):
            geometry_key = config_dict['SIM_DICT']['CONFIGURATION_LABEL']
            plane_num = plane_idx + 1

            for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][geometry_key]['PLANE_{0}'.format(plane_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                    draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)

                    # Set the PLANE's redshift in the config_dict
                    if k_param == 'REDSHIFT':
                        config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)] = draws[0]
                    for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                        for obj_num in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = draw
                    # Set the PLANE's redshift in the config_dict
                    if k_param == 'REDSHIFT':
                        config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)] = v_param
                    for band in bands:
                        for obj_num in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = v_param

            for obj_idx in range(config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)]):
                obj_num = obj_idx + 1
                obj_name = config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)]
                #save number of profiles
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES']
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES']
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES']

                #SPECIES- Point Sources
                if 'HOST' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    host = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['HOST']
                    if host != 'Foreground':
                        # Get host center
                        possible_hostids = ['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, x) for x in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1)]
                        hostid = [x[0:-5] for x in possible_hostids if config_dict['SIM_DICT'][x] == host][0]
                        ra_host, dec_host = output_dict[bands[0]][hostid + '-LIGHT_PROFILE_1-center_x'], output_dict[bands[0]][hostid + '-LIGHT_PROFILE_1-center_y']
                        # Determine location of point source in image
                        if 'sep' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].keys():
                            sep_unit = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep_unit']
                            if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep'], dict):
                                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                                sep = draws[0]
                                sep = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep']

                            if 'angle' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].keys():    
                                if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle'], dict):
                                    draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                                    angle = draws[0]
                                    angle = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle']
                                angle = None
                            ##convert image separation into ra and dec
                            ra, dec = self._choose_position(ra_host, dec_host, sep, sep_unit, cosmo, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)], angle)

                            #set ra and dec to host center
                            ra, dec = ra_host, dec_host
                            sep = 0.0
                            sep_unit = 'arcsec'

                        for band in bands:
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['HOST']
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = obj_name
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-ra'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = ra
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-dec'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = dec
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-sep'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = sep
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-sep_unit'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = sep_unit
                        #foreground, choose position randomly
                        im_size = self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'] * self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['pixel_scale'] / 2
                        ra, dec = random.uniform(-1 * im_size, im_size), random.uniform(-1 * im_size, im_size)
                        if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude'], dict):
                            draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            draws = [self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude']] * len(bands)
                        for band, magnitude in zip(bands, draws):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = 'Foreground'
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = obj_name
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-ra_image'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = ra
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-dec_image'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = dec
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-magnitude'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = magnitude
                     for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = 'None'

                #SPECIES- Light Profiles
                for light_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES']):
                    light_profile_num = light_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['LIGHT_PROFILE_{0}'.format(light_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['LIGHT_PROFILE_{0}'.format(light_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Mass Profiles
                for mass_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES']):
                    mass_profile_num = mass_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['MASS_PROFILE_{0}'.format(mass_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['MASS_PROFILE_{0}'.format(mass_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Shear Profiles
                for shear_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES']):
                    shear_profile_num = shear_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SHEAR_PROFILE_{0}'.format(shear_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SHEAR_PROFILE_{0}'.format(shear_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Additional Parameters
                if 'PARAMETERS' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if k_param == 'sep':
                            #sampling for point source separation is already done, so don't overwrite it
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Special
                if 'SPECIAL' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    for mode, args in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SPECIAL'].items():
                        for arg in args:
                            output_dict = eval('special.{0}(output_dict, "{1}", bands=bands)'.format(mode.lower(), arg))
        return output_dict

    def _flatten_and_fill_time_series(self, config_dict, cosmo, configuration, obj_strings, objid, peakshift):
        Generate an image info dictionary for each step in the time series

        :param config_dict: dictionary built up by self.breakup()
        :param configuration: CONFIGURATION_1, CONFIGURATION_2, etc.
        :param obj_string: list of the strings targetting the object in the flattened dictionary (e.g. ['PLANE_2-OBJECT_2'])
        :param peakshifts: int or float in units of NITES to shift the peak
        :return: flattened_and_filled dictionary: dict ready for individual image sim  
        output_dicts = []
        bands = self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')
        # Get flattened and filled dictionary
        base_output_dict = self._flatten_and_fill(config_dict, cosmo, objid)

        pointing = base_output_dict[bands[0]]['POINTING']
        closest_redshift_lcs = []
        for obj_name, obj_string in zip(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], obj_strings):
            # determine closest lc in library to redshift
            redshift = base_output_dict[bands[0]][obj_string + '-REDSHIFT']
            lcs = eval('self.{0}_{1}_lightcurves_{2}'.format(configuration, obj_name, pointing))
            closest_redshift_lcs.append(lcs['library'][np.argmin(np.abs(redshift - lcs['redshifts']))])
        # overwrite the image sim dictionary
        nite_dict = self.cadence_dict[pointing]
        for nite_idx in range(len(nite_dict[bands[0]])):
            for band in bands:
                orig_nite = nite_dict[band][nite_idx]
                #for orig_nite in nite_dict[band]:
                nite = orig_nite - peakshift
                output_dict = base_output_dict.copy()
                for obj_sting, closest_redshift_lc in zip(obj_strings, closest_redshift_lcs):

                        #try using the exact night
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'] = closest_redshift_lc['lc']['MAG'].values[(closest_redshift_lc['lc']['BAND'].values == band) & (closest_redshift_lc['lc']['NITE'].values == nite)][0] + fake_noise[noise_idx]
                        #linearly interpolate between the closest two nights
                        band_df = closest_redshift_lc['lc'][closest_redshift_lc['lc']['BAND'].values == band].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
                        closest_nite_indices = np.abs(nite - band_df['NITE'].values).argsort()[:2]
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'] = (band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]] - band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[0]]) * (nite - band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]]) / (band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]] - band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[0]]) + band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]]
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude_measured'] = np.random.normal(loc=output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'], scale=0.03)

                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-nite'] = orig_nite
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-peaknite'] = peakshift
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-id'] = closest_redshift_lc['sed']
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-type'] = closest_redshift_lc['obj_type']

                # Use independent observing conditions for each nite if conditions are drawn from distributions
                # seeing
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["seeing"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["seeing"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["seeing"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]
                # sky_brightness
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["sky_brightness"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["sky_brightness"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["sky_brightness"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]
                # magnitude_zero_point
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["magnitude_zero_point"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["magnitude_zero_point"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["magnitude_zero_point"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]

            del output_dict
        return output_dicts

    def generate_time_series(self, configuration, nites, objects, redshift_dicts, cosmo):
        Generate a light curve bank for each configuration with timeseries info

            configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
            nites (List[int] or str): a list of nites relative to explosion to get a photometric measurement or the name of a cadence file  
            objects (List[str]):  a list of object names   
            redshift_dicts (List[dict]): a list of redshift information about the objects
            cosmo (astropy.cosmology): An astropy.cosmology instance for distance calculations

        # Convert nites to a cadence dict
        if isinstance(nites, str):
            cadence_dict = read_cadence_file(nites)
            cadence_dict = {'REFERENCE_MJD': 0.0,
                            'POINTING_1': {b: nites for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')}}
        self.cadence_dict = cadence_dict

        # Use the reference MJD to shift all the nites to be relative to 0
        shifted_cadence_dict = {k: {b: [x - cadence_dict['REFERENCE_MJD'] for x in cadence_dict[k][b]] for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')} for k in cadence_dict.keys() if k.startswith('POINTING_')}
        # instantiate an LCGen object
        lc_gen = timeseries.LCGen(bands=self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'])

        # make a library for each pointing - need to speed this up (horrible performance for non-fixed redshifts and many pointings)
        for pointing, nite_dict in shifted_cadence_dict.items():
            for obj, redshift_dict in zip(objects, redshift_dicts):
                lc_library = []
                # get redshifts to simulate light curves at
                if isinstance(redshift_dict, dict):
                    drawn_redshifts = [self._draw(redshift_dict['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='g') for _ in range(100)]
                    redshifts = np.linspace(np.min(drawn_redshifts), np.max(drawn_redshifts), 15)
                    redshifts = np.array([redshift_dict])

                # get model to simulate
                model_info = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj]]['MODEL'].split('_')
                if model_info[-1].lower() == 'random' or len(model_info) == 1:
                    for redshift in redshifts:
                        lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0])))
                    for redshift in redshifts:
                        lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, sed_filename="{1}", cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0], model_info[1])))
                setattr(self, configuration + '_' + obj + '_lightcurves_' + pointing, {'library': lc_library, 'redshifts': redshifts})
    def breakup(self, verbose=False):
        Based on configurations and dataset size, build list of simulation dicts.

            verbose (bool, optional, default=False): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args.
        # Determine number of images to simulate for each configuration
        global_size = self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['SIZE']
        configurations = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'].items():
            configurations[k] = v
            configurations[k]['SIZE'] = int(global_size * v['FRACTION'])

        # Determine objects and their planes, store in SIM_DICT key
        for k, v in configurations.items():
            sim_dict = {}
            sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_LABEL'] = k
            sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_NAME'] = v['NAME']
            sim_dict['NUMBER_OF_PLANES'] = len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('PLANE') != -1])
            for config_key, config_dict in v.items():
                if config_key.find('PLANE') != -1:
                    sim_dict['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(config_key.split('_')[-1])] = len([y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1])
                    for obj_index in [x.split('_')[-1] for x in [y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1]]:
                        sim_dict[config_key + '-' + 'OBJECT_{0}-NAME'.format(obj_index)] = config_dict['OBJECT_{0}'.format(obj_index)]
            configurations[k]['SIM_DICT'] = sim_dict
            configurations[k] = dict_select(configurations[k], ['NAME', 'SIZE', 'SIM_DICT'])
        # Determine number of profiles for each object
        species_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'].items():
            species_dict[v['NAME']] = {'NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('LIGHT_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                       'NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('MASS_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                       'NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('SHEAR_PROFILE') != -1])}
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['SPECIES_DICT'] = species_dict

        # Add image metadata
        image_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['IMAGE_DICT'] = image_dict
        # Add survey metadata
        survey_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        #survey_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['SURVEY']['NAME']
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['SURVEY_DICT'] = survey_dict
        # Add cosmology metadata
        cosmo_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        #cosmo_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['NAME']
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'] = cosmo_dict

        # Set cosmology information
        cosmology_info = ['H0', 'Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'm_nu', 'Ob0']
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(**dict_select_choose(configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'], cosmology_info))
        # Add noise metadata
        for k in configurations.keys():
            noise_dict = {}
            number_of_noise_sources = len([x for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys() if x.find('NOISE_SOURCE') != -1])
            noise_dict['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES'] = number_of_noise_sources
            for noise_source_idx in range(number_of_noise_sources):
                noise_source_num = noise_source_idx + 1
                noise_dict['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)] = self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}'.format(noise_source_num)]
            configurations[k]['NOISE_DICT'] = noise_dict
        # Check for timeseries metadata
        for k in configurations.keys():
            setattr(self, k + '_time_series', False)
            if 'TIMESERIES' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
                # Make a directory to store light curve data
                if not os.path.exists(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR']):
                if not os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'])):

                # Find the plane of the ojects and save the redshift sub-dict
                redshift_dicts = []
                for obj_name in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']:
                    for sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
                        if sub_k[0:5] == 'PLANE':
                            for sub_sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k].keys():
                                if sub_sub_k[0:6] == 'OBJECT':
                                    if self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k][sub_sub_k] == obj_name:
                                        if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'], dict):
                                            redshift_dicts.append(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'] + 0.0)

                if verbose: print("Generating time series data for {0}".format(k))

                # If light curves already exist, skip generation
                #if os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])):
                #    setattr(self, k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), np.load('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True) 
                #    self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
                #'{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), eval('self.' + k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True)

                # Generate the time-series data
                self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
                setattr(self, k + '_time_series', True)

        # For each configuration, generate full sim info for as many objects as user specified
        configuration_sim_dicts = {}
        if verbose: print("Entering main organization loop")
        for k, v in configurations.items():
            if verbose: print("Organizing {0}".format(k))
            configuration_sim_dicts[k] = []

            time_series = eval('self.{0}_time_series'.format(k))
            if time_series:
                # Get string referencing the varaible object
                obj_strings = [self._find_obj_string(x, k) for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']]

                # Get the PEAK for the configuration
                if 'PEAK' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES'].keys():
                    if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'], dict):
                        peakshifts = [self._draw(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='b')[0] for _ in range(v['SIZE'])]
                        peakshifts = [float(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'])] * v['SIZE']
                    peakshifts = [0.0] * v['SIZE']

            for objid in range(v['SIZE']):

                if time_series:
                    flattened_image_infos = self._flatten_and_fill_time_series(v.copy(), cosmo, k, obj_strings, objid, peakshifts[objid])
                    for flattened_image_info in flattened_image_infos:
                    configuration_sim_dicts[k].append(self._flatten_and_fill(v.copy(), cosmo, objid))    

        self.configuration_sim_dicts = configuration_sim_dicts



class Organizer (config_dict, verbose=False)

Break up config dict into individual simulation dicts.


config_dict : dict
an instance of Parser.config_dict
verbose : bool, optional, default=False
Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args
Expand source code
class Organizer():
    def __init__(self, config_dict, verbose=False):
        Break up config dict into individual simulation dicts.
            config_dict (dict): an instance of Parser.config_dict
            verbose (bool, optional, default=False): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args
        self.main_dict = config_dict.copy()

    def __track_species_keys(self):
        """Create a map of object name to species keys"""
        species_map = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'].items():
            species_map[v['NAME']] = k
        self._species_map = species_map

    def _convert_to_string(self, distribution_dict, bands):
        Convert distribution dict into callable method
        :param distribution_dict: dicitonary containing pdf info
        :return: method: callable method as string
        #this some magic
        if isinstance(distribution_dict['PARAMETERS'], dict):
            return distribution_dict['NAME'] + '(' + ', '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in distribution_dict['PARAMETERS'].items()]) + ', bands="{0}"'.format(','.join(bands)) + ')'
            return distribution_dict['NAME'] + '(bands="{0}")'.format(','.join(bands))

    def _draw(self, distribution_dict, bands):
        Draw a random value from the specified distribution
        :param distribution_dict: dicitonary containing pdf info
        :return: value: sampled value from distribution
        draw_command = 'distributions.{0}'.format(self._convert_to_string(distribution_dict, bands))
        return eval(draw_command)

    def _choose_position(self, ra_host, dec_host, sep, sep_unit, cosmo, redshift=None, angle=None):
        Select an ra and dec that will be sep away from the host
        :param ra_host: x-coord of point source host
        :param dec_host: y-coord of point source host
        :param sep: angular separation between point source and host
        :param sep_unit: either 'kpc' or 'arcsec'
        :param redshift: cosmological redshift, required if units are in kpc
        :param angle: desired position of point source in radians, random if None
        :return: chosen_ra: x-coord of chosen point sep away from host
        :return: chosen_dec: y-coord of chosen point sep away from host
        if angle is None:
            angle = random.uniform(0.0, 2 * np.pi)

        if sep_unit == 'arcsec':            
            chosen_ra = np.cos(angle) * sep + ra_host
            chosen_dec = np.sin(angle) * sep + dec_host
        elif sep_unit == 'kpc':
            kpc_to_arcsec = cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_comoving(redshift).value / (1. + redshift)
            chosen_ra = np.cos(angle) * sep * kpc_to_arcsec + ra_host
            chosen_dec = np.sin(angle) * sep * kpc_to_arcsec + dec_host
            raise NotImplementedError("unexpected sep_unit")
        return chosen_ra, chosen_dec

    def _find_obj_string(self, obj_name, configuration):
        Return the location of an object in the flattened dictionary
        :param obj_name: the name of the object
        :param configuration: 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc.
        :return: obj_string: the location of the object in the flattened dictionary

        d = KeyPathDict(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration].copy(), keypath_separator='.')
        for x in d.keypaths():
            f = "['" + "']['".join(x.split('.')) + "']"
            k = eval("d" + f)
            if k == obj_name:
                return x.replace('.', '-')

        #return [x.replace('.', '-') for x in d.keypaths() if eval("d['" + "']['".join(x.split('.')) + "']") == obj_name][0]

    def _flatten_and_fill(self, config_dict, cosmo, objid=0):
        Flatten input dictionary, and sample from any specified distributions
        :param config_dict: dictionary built up by self.breakup()
        :param cosmo: an astropy.cosmology instance
        :return: flattened_and_filled dictionary: dict ready for individual image sim
        bands = config_dict['SURVEY_DICT']['BANDS'].split(',')
        output_dict = {x: {} for x in bands}

        #Object IDs
        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['OBJID'] = objid

        pointing = random.choice(list(set(self.cadence_dict.keys()) - set(['REFERENCE_MJD'])))
        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['POINTING'] = pointing
        for k, v in config_dict['COSMOLOGY_DICT'].items():
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for k, v in config_dict['IMAGE_DICT'].items():
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for k, v in config_dict['SURVEY_DICT'].items():
            if k == 'BANDS': 
            if v != 'DISTRIBUTION':
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band][k] = v
                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS'][k]['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                    output_dict[band][k] = draw

        for band in bands:
            output_dict[band]['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES'] = config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES']
        for noise_idx in range(config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES']):
            noise_source_num = noise_idx + 1
            noise_name = config_dict['NOISE_DICT']['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)]
            for band in bands:
                output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)] = noise_name
            for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[noise_name]]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                if isinstance(v, dict):
                    draws = self._draw(v['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                    for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                        output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-{1}'.format(noise_source_num, k)] = draw
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-{1}'.format(noise_source_num, k)] = v

        for k, v in config_dict['SIM_DICT'].items():
            for band in bands:
                output_dict[band][k] = v

        for plane_idx in range(config_dict['SIM_DICT']['NUMBER_OF_PLANES']):
            geometry_key = config_dict['SIM_DICT']['CONFIGURATION_LABEL']
            plane_num = plane_idx + 1

            for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][geometry_key]['PLANE_{0}'.format(plane_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                    draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)

                    # Set the PLANE's redshift in the config_dict
                    if k_param == 'REDSHIFT':
                        config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)] = draws[0]
                    for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                        for obj_num in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = draw
                    # Set the PLANE's redshift in the config_dict
                    if k_param == 'REDSHIFT':
                        config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)] = v_param
                    for band in bands:
                        for obj_num in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = v_param

            for obj_idx in range(config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)]):
                obj_num = obj_idx + 1
                obj_name = config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)]
                #save number of profiles
                for band in bands:
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES']
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES']
                    output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES']

                #SPECIES- Point Sources
                if 'HOST' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    host = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['HOST']
                    if host != 'Foreground':
                        # Get host center
                        possible_hostids = ['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, x) for x in range(1, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(plane_num)] + 1)]
                        hostid = [x[0:-5] for x in possible_hostids if config_dict['SIM_DICT'][x] == host][0]
                        ra_host, dec_host = output_dict[bands[0]][hostid + '-LIGHT_PROFILE_1-center_x'], output_dict[bands[0]][hostid + '-LIGHT_PROFILE_1-center_y']
                        # Determine location of point source in image
                        if 'sep' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].keys():
                            sep_unit = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep_unit']
                            if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep'], dict):
                                draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                                sep = draws[0]
                                sep = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['sep']

                            if 'angle' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].keys():    
                                if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle'], dict):
                                    draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                                    angle = draws[0]
                                    angle = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['angle']
                                angle = None
                            ##convert image separation into ra and dec
                            ra, dec = self._choose_position(ra_host, dec_host, sep, sep_unit, cosmo, config_dict['SIM_DICT']['PLANE_{0}-REDSHIFT'.format(plane_num)], angle)

                            #set ra and dec to host center
                            ra, dec = ra_host, dec_host
                            sep = 0.0
                            sep_unit = 'arcsec'

                        for band in bands:
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['HOST']
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = obj_name
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-ra'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = ra
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-dec'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = dec
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-sep'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = sep
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-sep_unit'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = sep_unit
                        #foreground, choose position randomly
                        im_size = self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'] * self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['pixel_scale'] / 2
                        ra, dec = random.uniform(-1 * im_size, im_size), random.uniform(-1 * im_size, im_size)
                        if isinstance(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude'], dict):
                            draws = self._draw(self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            draws = [self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS']['magnitude']] * len(bands)
                        for band, magnitude in zip(bands, draws):
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = 'Foreground'
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = obj_name
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-ra_image'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = ra
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-dec_image'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = dec
                            output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-magnitude'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = magnitude
                     for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-HOST'.format(plane_num, obj_num)] = 'None'

                #SPECIES- Light Profiles
                for light_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES']):
                    light_profile_num = light_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['LIGHT_PROFILE_{0}'.format(light_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['LIGHT_PROFILE_{0}'.format(light_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-LIGHT_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, light_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Mass Profiles
                for mass_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES']):
                    mass_profile_num = mass_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['MASS_PROFILE_{0}'.format(mass_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['MASS_PROFILE_{0}'.format(mass_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-MASS_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, mass_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Shear Profiles
                for shear_profile_idx in range(config_dict['SPECIES_DICT'][obj_name]['NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES']):
                    shear_profile_num = shear_profile_idx + 1
                    for band in bands:
                        output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-NAME'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num)] = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SHEAR_PROFILE_{0}'.format(shear_profile_num)]['NAME']
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SHEAR_PROFILE_{0}'.format(shear_profile_num)]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-SHEAR_PROFILE_{2}-{3}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, shear_profile_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Additional Parameters
                if 'PARAMETERS' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    for k_param, v_param in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['PARAMETERS'].items():
                        if k_param == 'sep':
                            #sampling for point source separation is already done, so don't overwrite it
                        if isinstance(v_param, dict):
                            draws = self._draw(v_param['DISTRIBUTION'], bands)
                            for band, draw in zip(bands, draws):
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = draw
                            for band in bands:
                                output_dict[band]['PLANE_{0}-OBJECT_{1}-{2}'.format(plane_num, obj_num, k_param)] = v_param

                #SPECIES- Special
                if 'SPECIAL' in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]].keys():
                    for mode, args in self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj_name]]['SPECIAL'].items():
                        for arg in args:
                            output_dict = eval('special.{0}(output_dict, "{1}", bands=bands)'.format(mode.lower(), arg))
        return output_dict

    def _flatten_and_fill_time_series(self, config_dict, cosmo, configuration, obj_strings, objid, peakshift):
        Generate an image info dictionary for each step in the time series

        :param config_dict: dictionary built up by self.breakup()
        :param configuration: CONFIGURATION_1, CONFIGURATION_2, etc.
        :param obj_string: list of the strings targetting the object in the flattened dictionary (e.g. ['PLANE_2-OBJECT_2'])
        :param peakshifts: int or float in units of NITES to shift the peak
        :return: flattened_and_filled dictionary: dict ready for individual image sim  
        output_dicts = []
        bands = self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')
        # Get flattened and filled dictionary
        base_output_dict = self._flatten_and_fill(config_dict, cosmo, objid)

        pointing = base_output_dict[bands[0]]['POINTING']
        closest_redshift_lcs = []
        for obj_name, obj_string in zip(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], obj_strings):
            # determine closest lc in library to redshift
            redshift = base_output_dict[bands[0]][obj_string + '-REDSHIFT']
            lcs = eval('self.{0}_{1}_lightcurves_{2}'.format(configuration, obj_name, pointing))
            closest_redshift_lcs.append(lcs['library'][np.argmin(np.abs(redshift - lcs['redshifts']))])
        # overwrite the image sim dictionary
        nite_dict = self.cadence_dict[pointing]
        for nite_idx in range(len(nite_dict[bands[0]])):
            for band in bands:
                orig_nite = nite_dict[band][nite_idx]
                #for orig_nite in nite_dict[band]:
                nite = orig_nite - peakshift
                output_dict = base_output_dict.copy()
                for obj_sting, closest_redshift_lc in zip(obj_strings, closest_redshift_lcs):

                        #try using the exact night
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'] = closest_redshift_lc['lc']['MAG'].values[(closest_redshift_lc['lc']['BAND'].values == band) & (closest_redshift_lc['lc']['NITE'].values == nite)][0] + fake_noise[noise_idx]
                        #linearly interpolate between the closest two nights
                        band_df = closest_redshift_lc['lc'][closest_redshift_lc['lc']['BAND'].values == band].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
                        closest_nite_indices = np.abs(nite - band_df['NITE'].values).argsort()[:2]
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'] = (band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]] - band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[0]]) * (nite - band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]]) / (band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]] - band_df['NITE'].values[closest_nite_indices[0]]) + band_df['MAG'].values[closest_nite_indices[1]]
                        output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude_measured'] = np.random.normal(loc=output_dict[band][obj_string + '-magnitude'], scale=0.03)

                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-nite'] = orig_nite
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-peaknite'] = peakshift
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-id'] = closest_redshift_lc['sed']
                    output_dict[band][obj_string + '-type'] = closest_redshift_lc['obj_type']

                # Use independent observing conditions for each nite if conditions are drawn from distributions
                # seeing
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["seeing"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["seeing"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["seeing"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]
                # sky_brightness
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["sky_brightness"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["sky_brightness"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["sky_brightness"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]
                # magnitude_zero_point
                if isinstance(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["magnitude_zero_point"], dict):
                    output_dict[band]["magnitude_zero_point"] = self._draw(self.main_dict["SURVEY"]["PARAMETERS"]["magnitude_zero_point"]["DISTRIBUTION"], bands=band)[0]

            del output_dict
        return output_dicts

    def generate_time_series(self, configuration, nites, objects, redshift_dicts, cosmo):
        Generate a light curve bank for each configuration with timeseries info

            configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
            nites (List[int] or str): a list of nites relative to explosion to get a photometric measurement or the name of a cadence file  
            objects (List[str]):  a list of object names   
            redshift_dicts (List[dict]): a list of redshift information about the objects
            cosmo (astropy.cosmology): An astropy.cosmology instance for distance calculations

        # Convert nites to a cadence dict
        if isinstance(nites, str):
            cadence_dict = read_cadence_file(nites)
            cadence_dict = {'REFERENCE_MJD': 0.0,
                            'POINTING_1': {b: nites for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')}}
        self.cadence_dict = cadence_dict

        # Use the reference MJD to shift all the nites to be relative to 0
        shifted_cadence_dict = {k: {b: [x - cadence_dict['REFERENCE_MJD'] for x in cadence_dict[k][b]] for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')} for k in cadence_dict.keys() if k.startswith('POINTING_')}
        # instantiate an LCGen object
        lc_gen = timeseries.LCGen(bands=self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'])

        # make a library for each pointing - need to speed this up (horrible performance for non-fixed redshifts and many pointings)
        for pointing, nite_dict in shifted_cadence_dict.items():
            for obj, redshift_dict in zip(objects, redshift_dicts):
                lc_library = []
                # get redshifts to simulate light curves at
                if isinstance(redshift_dict, dict):
                    drawn_redshifts = [self._draw(redshift_dict['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='g') for _ in range(100)]
                    redshifts = np.linspace(np.min(drawn_redshifts), np.max(drawn_redshifts), 15)
                    redshifts = np.array([redshift_dict])

                # get model to simulate
                model_info = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj]]['MODEL'].split('_')
                if model_info[-1].lower() == 'random' or len(model_info) == 1:
                    for redshift in redshifts:
                        lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0])))
                    for redshift in redshifts:
                        lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, sed_filename="{1}", cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0], model_info[1])))
                setattr(self, configuration + '_' + obj + '_lightcurves_' + pointing, {'library': lc_library, 'redshifts': redshifts})
    def breakup(self, verbose=False):
        Based on configurations and dataset size, build list of simulation dicts.

            verbose (bool, optional, default=False): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args.
        # Determine number of images to simulate for each configuration
        global_size = self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['SIZE']
        configurations = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'].items():
            configurations[k] = v
            configurations[k]['SIZE'] = int(global_size * v['FRACTION'])

        # Determine objects and their planes, store in SIM_DICT key
        for k, v in configurations.items():
            sim_dict = {}
            sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_LABEL'] = k
            sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_NAME'] = v['NAME']
            sim_dict['NUMBER_OF_PLANES'] = len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('PLANE') != -1])
            for config_key, config_dict in v.items():
                if config_key.find('PLANE') != -1:
                    sim_dict['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(config_key.split('_')[-1])] = len([y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1])
                    for obj_index in [x.split('_')[-1] for x in [y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1]]:
                        sim_dict[config_key + '-' + 'OBJECT_{0}-NAME'.format(obj_index)] = config_dict['OBJECT_{0}'.format(obj_index)]
            configurations[k]['SIM_DICT'] = sim_dict
            configurations[k] = dict_select(configurations[k], ['NAME', 'SIZE', 'SIM_DICT'])
        # Determine number of profiles for each object
        species_dict = {}
        for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'].items():
            species_dict[v['NAME']] = {'NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('LIGHT_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                       'NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('MASS_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                       'NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('SHEAR_PROFILE') != -1])}
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['SPECIES_DICT'] = species_dict

        # Add image metadata
        image_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['IMAGE_DICT'] = image_dict
        # Add survey metadata
        survey_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        #survey_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['SURVEY']['NAME']
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['SURVEY_DICT'] = survey_dict
        # Add cosmology metadata
        cosmo_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
        #cosmo_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['NAME']
        for k in configurations.keys():
            configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'] = cosmo_dict

        # Set cosmology information
        cosmology_info = ['H0', 'Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'm_nu', 'Ob0']
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(**dict_select_choose(configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'], cosmology_info))
        # Add noise metadata
        for k in configurations.keys():
            noise_dict = {}
            number_of_noise_sources = len([x for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys() if x.find('NOISE_SOURCE') != -1])
            noise_dict['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES'] = number_of_noise_sources
            for noise_source_idx in range(number_of_noise_sources):
                noise_source_num = noise_source_idx + 1
                noise_dict['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)] = self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}'.format(noise_source_num)]
            configurations[k]['NOISE_DICT'] = noise_dict
        # Check for timeseries metadata
        for k in configurations.keys():
            setattr(self, k + '_time_series', False)
            if 'TIMESERIES' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
                # Make a directory to store light curve data
                if not os.path.exists(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR']):
                if not os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'])):

                # Find the plane of the ojects and save the redshift sub-dict
                redshift_dicts = []
                for obj_name in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']:
                    for sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
                        if sub_k[0:5] == 'PLANE':
                            for sub_sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k].keys():
                                if sub_sub_k[0:6] == 'OBJECT':
                                    if self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k][sub_sub_k] == obj_name:
                                        if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'], dict):
                                            redshift_dicts.append(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'] + 0.0)

                if verbose: print("Generating time series data for {0}".format(k))

                # If light curves already exist, skip generation
                #if os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])):
                #    setattr(self, k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), np.load('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True) 
                #    self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
                #'{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), eval('self.' + k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True)

                # Generate the time-series data
                self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
                setattr(self, k + '_time_series', True)

        # For each configuration, generate full sim info for as many objects as user specified
        configuration_sim_dicts = {}
        if verbose: print("Entering main organization loop")
        for k, v in configurations.items():
            if verbose: print("Organizing {0}".format(k))
            configuration_sim_dicts[k] = []

            time_series = eval('self.{0}_time_series'.format(k))
            if time_series:
                # Get string referencing the varaible object
                obj_strings = [self._find_obj_string(x, k) for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']]

                # Get the PEAK for the configuration
                if 'PEAK' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES'].keys():
                    if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'], dict):
                        peakshifts = [self._draw(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='b')[0] for _ in range(v['SIZE'])]
                        peakshifts = [float(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'])] * v['SIZE']
                    peakshifts = [0.0] * v['SIZE']

            for objid in range(v['SIZE']):

                if time_series:
                    flattened_image_infos = self._flatten_and_fill_time_series(v.copy(), cosmo, k, obj_strings, objid, peakshifts[objid])
                    for flattened_image_info in flattened_image_infos:
                    configuration_sim_dicts[k].append(self._flatten_and_fill(v.copy(), cosmo, objid))    

        self.configuration_sim_dicts = configuration_sim_dicts


def breakup(self, verbose=False)

Based on configurations and dataset size, build list of simulation dicts.


verbose : bool, optional, default=False
Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args.
Expand source code
def breakup(self, verbose=False):
    Based on configurations and dataset size, build list of simulation dicts.

        verbose (bool, optional, default=False): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args.
    # Determine number of images to simulate for each configuration
    global_size = self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['SIZE']
    configurations = {}
    for k, v in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'].items():
        configurations[k] = v
        configurations[k]['SIZE'] = int(global_size * v['FRACTION'])

    # Determine objects and their planes, store in SIM_DICT key
    for k, v in configurations.items():
        sim_dict = {}
        sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_LABEL'] = k
        sim_dict['CONFIGURATION_NAME'] = v['NAME']
        sim_dict['NUMBER_OF_PLANES'] = len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('PLANE') != -1])
        for config_key, config_dict in v.items():
            if config_key.find('PLANE') != -1:
                sim_dict['PLANE_{0}-NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS'.format(config_key.split('_')[-1])] = len([y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1])
                for obj_index in [x.split('_')[-1] for x in [y for y in config_dict.keys() if y.find('OBJECT') != -1]]:
                    sim_dict[config_key + '-' + 'OBJECT_{0}-NAME'.format(obj_index)] = config_dict['OBJECT_{0}'.format(obj_index)]
        configurations[k]['SIM_DICT'] = sim_dict
        configurations[k] = dict_select(configurations[k], ['NAME', 'SIZE', 'SIM_DICT'])
    # Determine number of profiles for each object
    species_dict = {}
    for k, v in self.main_dict['SPECIES'].items():
        species_dict[v['NAME']] = {'NUMBER_OF_LIGHT_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('LIGHT_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                   'NUMBER_OF_MASS_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('MASS_PROFILE') != -1]),
                                   'NUMBER_OF_SHEAR_PROFILES': len([x for x in v.keys() if x.find('SHEAR_PROFILE') != -1])}
    for k in configurations.keys():
        configurations[k]['SPECIES_DICT'] = species_dict

    # Add image metadata
    image_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
    for k in configurations.keys():
        configurations[k]['IMAGE_DICT'] = image_dict
    # Add survey metadata
    survey_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
    #survey_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['SURVEY']['NAME']
    for k in configurations.keys():
        configurations[k]['SURVEY_DICT'] = survey_dict
    # Add cosmology metadata
    cosmo_dict = {k: v if not isinstance(v, dict) else 'DISTRIBUTION' for k, v in self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS'].items()}
    #cosmo_dict['NAME'] = self.main_dict['COSMOLOGY']['NAME']
    for k in configurations.keys():
        configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'] = cosmo_dict

    # Set cosmology information
    cosmology_info = ['H0', 'Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'm_nu', 'Ob0']
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(**dict_select_choose(configurations[k]['COSMOLOGY_DICT'], cosmology_info))
    # Add noise metadata
    for k in configurations.keys():
        noise_dict = {}
        number_of_noise_sources = len([x for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys() if x.find('NOISE_SOURCE') != -1])
        noise_dict['NUMBER_OF_NOISE_SOURCES'] = number_of_noise_sources
        for noise_source_idx in range(number_of_noise_sources):
            noise_source_num = noise_source_idx + 1
            noise_dict['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}-NAME'.format(noise_source_num)] = self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['NOISE_SOURCE_{0}'.format(noise_source_num)]
        configurations[k]['NOISE_DICT'] = noise_dict
    # Check for timeseries metadata
    for k in configurations.keys():
        setattr(self, k + '_time_series', False)
        if 'TIMESERIES' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
            # Make a directory to store light curve data
            if not os.path.exists(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR']):
            if not os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'])):

            # Find the plane of the ojects and save the redshift sub-dict
            redshift_dicts = []
            for obj_name in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']:
                for sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k].keys():
                    if sub_k[0:5] == 'PLANE':
                        for sub_sub_k in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k].keys():
                            if sub_sub_k[0:6] == 'OBJECT':
                                if self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k][sub_sub_k] == obj_name:
                                    if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'], dict):
                                        redshift_dicts.append(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k][sub_k]['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT'] + 0.0)

            if verbose: print("Generating time series data for {0}".format(k))

            # If light curves already exist, skip generation
            #if os.path.exists('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])):
            #    setattr(self, k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), np.load('{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True) 
            #    self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
            #'{0}/lightcurves/{1}_{2}.npy'.format(self.main_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR'], k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0]), eval('self.' + k + '_{0}_lightcurves'.format(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'][0])), allow_pickle=True)

            # Generate the time-series data
            self.generate_time_series(k, self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['NITES'], self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS'], redshift_dicts, cosmo)
            setattr(self, k + '_time_series', True)

    # For each configuration, generate full sim info for as many objects as user specified
    configuration_sim_dicts = {}
    if verbose: print("Entering main organization loop")
    for k, v in configurations.items():
        if verbose: print("Organizing {0}".format(k))
        configuration_sim_dicts[k] = []

        time_series = eval('self.{0}_time_series'.format(k))
        if time_series:
            # Get string referencing the varaible object
            obj_strings = [self._find_obj_string(x, k) for x in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['OBJECTS']]

            # Get the PEAK for the configuration
            if 'PEAK' in self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES'].keys():
                if isinstance(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'], dict):
                    peakshifts = [self._draw(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK']['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='b')[0] for _ in range(v['SIZE'])]
                    peakshifts = [float(self.main_dict['GEOMETRY'][k]['TIMESERIES']['PEAK'])] * v['SIZE']
                peakshifts = [0.0] * v['SIZE']

        for objid in range(v['SIZE']):

            if time_series:
                flattened_image_infos = self._flatten_and_fill_time_series(v.copy(), cosmo, k, obj_strings, objid, peakshifts[objid])
                for flattened_image_info in flattened_image_infos:
                configuration_sim_dicts[k].append(self._flatten_and_fill(v.copy(), cosmo, objid))    

    self.configuration_sim_dicts = configuration_sim_dicts
def generate_time_series(self, configuration, nites, objects, redshift_dicts, cosmo)

Generate a light curve bank for each configuration with timeseries info


configuration : str
nites : List[int] or str
a list of nites relative to explosion to get a photometric measurement or the name of a cadence file
objects : List[str]
a list of object names
redshift_dicts : List[dict]
a list of redshift information about the objects
cosmo : astropy.cosmology
An astropy.cosmology instance for distance calculations
Expand source code
def generate_time_series(self, configuration, nites, objects, redshift_dicts, cosmo):
    Generate a light curve bank for each configuration with timeseries info

        configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
        nites (List[int] or str): a list of nites relative to explosion to get a photometric measurement or the name of a cadence file  
        objects (List[str]):  a list of object names   
        redshift_dicts (List[dict]): a list of redshift information about the objects
        cosmo (astropy.cosmology): An astropy.cosmology instance for distance calculations

    # Convert nites to a cadence dict
    if isinstance(nites, str):
        cadence_dict = read_cadence_file(nites)
        cadence_dict = {'REFERENCE_MJD': 0.0,
                        'POINTING_1': {b: nites for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')}}
    self.cadence_dict = cadence_dict

    # Use the reference MJD to shift all the nites to be relative to 0
    shifted_cadence_dict = {k: {b: [x - cadence_dict['REFERENCE_MJD'] for x in cadence_dict[k][b]] for b in self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')} for k in cadence_dict.keys() if k.startswith('POINTING_')}
    # instantiate an LCGen object
    lc_gen = timeseries.LCGen(bands=self.main_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'])

    # make a library for each pointing - need to speed this up (horrible performance for non-fixed redshifts and many pointings)
    for pointing, nite_dict in shifted_cadence_dict.items():
        for obj, redshift_dict in zip(objects, redshift_dicts):
            lc_library = []
            # get redshifts to simulate light curves at
            if isinstance(redshift_dict, dict):
                drawn_redshifts = [self._draw(redshift_dict['DISTRIBUTION'], bands='g') for _ in range(100)]
                redshifts = np.linspace(np.min(drawn_redshifts), np.max(drawn_redshifts), 15)
                redshifts = np.array([redshift_dict])

            # get model to simulate
            model_info = self.main_dict['SPECIES'][self._species_map[obj]]['MODEL'].split('_')
            if model_info[-1].lower() == 'random' or len(model_info) == 1:
                for redshift in redshifts:
                    lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0])))
                for redshift in redshifts:
                    lc_library.append(eval('lc_gen.gen_{0}(redshift, nite_dict, sed_filename="{1}", cosmo=cosmo)'.format(model_info[0], model_info[1])))
            setattr(self, configuration + '_' + obj + '_lightcurves_' + pointing, {'library': lc_library, 'redshifts': redshifts})
class Parser (config, survey=None)

Load yaml inputs into a single dictionary and trigger automatic checks for user errors.

Args: config (str): name of yaml configuration file survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args

Expand source code
class Parser():
    Load yaml inputs into a single dictionary and trigger automatic checks for user errors.


    def __init__(self, config, survey=None):
            config (str): name of yaml configuration file
            survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args
        # Check for annoying tabs - there's probably a better way to do this

        # Fill in sections of the configuration file for a specific survey
        if survey is not None:
            config = self.write_survey(config, survey)
        # Read main configuration file
        self.full_dict =
        # If the main file points to any input files, read those too

        # Check for user-specifed probability distributions and backgrounds
        # Check for user errors in inputs


    def write_survey(self, config, survey):
        Writes survey information to config file. Creates a new file named {survey}_{config}
        by copying the contents of {config} and appending the IMAGE and SURVEY sections for 
        a desired survey. The yaml parser will automatically overwrite the IMAGE and SURVEY
        dictionary keys.

            config (str): name of yaml configuration file
            survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args

            outfile (str): name of survey-specific configuration file
        # set new config file name
        config_basename = config.split('/')
        if len(config_basename) == 1:
            outfile = survey + '_' + config
            outfile = '/'.join(config_basename[0:-1]) + '/' + survey + '_' + config_basename[-1]

        # write new config file
        with open(config, 'r') as old, open(outfile, 'w+') as new:
        return outfile
    def _include_inputs(self):
        Searches for uses of the keyword INPUT and adds the file contents to the main configuration dictionary.
        config_dict = KeyPathDict(self.full_dict.copy(), keypath_separator='.')
        for input_path in self.input_paths:
            input_dict ='config_dict["' + input_path.replace('.', '"]["') + '"]["INPUT"]'))
            for k, v in input_dict.items():
                exec('config_dict["' + input_path.replace('.', '"]["') + '"][k] = v')

        self.config_dict = config_dict

    def _get_input_locations(self):
        input_paths = self._get_kw_locations("INPUT")
        self.input_paths = input_paths

    def _get_file_locations(self):        
        file_paths = []
        if "DISTRIBUTIONS" in self.full_dict.keys():
            for k in self.full_dict['DISTRIBUTIONS'].keys():
                file_paths.append('DISTRIBUTIONS.' + k)
        self.file_paths = file_paths


    def _get_image_locations(self):
        file_paths = []
        image_configurations = []
        if "BACKGROUNDS" in self.full_dict.keys():
            self.image_configurations = self.full_dict['BACKGROUNDS']['CONFIGURATIONS'][:]
        self.image_paths = file_paths

    def _get_kw_locations(self, kw):
        Find locations in main dictionary where a keyword is used

        :param kw: str, a keyword to search the dict keys for
        :return: paths: list, the keypaths to all occurances of kw
        d = KeyPathDict(self.full_dict, keypath_separator='.')
        locs = [x.find(kw) for x in d.keypaths()]
        paths = [y for y in [x[0:k-1] if k != -1 else '' for x, k in zip(d.keypaths(), locs)] if y != '']
        return paths

    def read(self, config):
        Reads config file into a dictionary and returns it.
            config (str): Name of config file.
            config_dict (dict): Dictionary containing config information.

        with open(config, 'r') as config_file_obj:
            config_dict = yaml.safe_load(config_file_obj)
        return config_dict

    def _parse_for_tabs(self, config):
        Check for the existence of tab characters that might break yaml
        stream = open(config, 'r')
        lines = stream.readlines()

        bad_line_numbers = []
        for index, line in enumerate(lines):
            if line.find('\t') != -1:
                bad_line_numbers.append(str(index + 1))

        if len(bad_line_numbers) != 0:
            print("Tab characters detected on the following lines:")
            print("    " + ', '.join(bad_line_numbers))
            print("Please correct the tabs and restart")
    def check(self):
        Check configuration file for possible user errors.
        big_check._run_checks(self.full_dict, self.config_dict)


def check(self)

Check configuration file for possible user errors.

Expand source code
def check(self):
    Check configuration file for possible user errors.
    big_check._run_checks(self.full_dict, self.config_dict)
def read(self, config)

Reads config file into a dictionary and returns it.


config : str
Name of config file.


config_dict (dict): Dictionary containing config information.

Expand source code
def read(self, config):
    Reads config file into a dictionary and returns it.
        config (str): Name of config file.
        config_dict (dict): Dictionary containing config information.

    with open(config, 'r') as config_file_obj:
        config_dict = yaml.safe_load(config_file_obj)
    return config_dict
def write_survey(self, config, survey)

Writes survey information to config file. Creates a new file named {survey}_{config} by copying the contents of {config} and appending the IMAGE and SURVEY sections for a desired survey. The yaml parser will automatically overwrite the IMAGE and SURVEY dictionary keys.


config : str
name of yaml configuration file
survey : str or None, optional, default=None
Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args


outfile (str): name of survey-specific configuration file

Expand source code
def write_survey(self, config, survey):
    Writes survey information to config file. Creates a new file named {survey}_{config}
    by copying the contents of {config} and appending the IMAGE and SURVEY sections for 
    a desired survey. The yaml parser will automatically overwrite the IMAGE and SURVEY
    dictionary keys.

        config (str): name of yaml configuration file
        survey (str or None, optional, default=None): Automatically passed from deeplenstronomy.make_dataset() args

        outfile (str): name of survey-specific configuration file
    # set new config file name
    config_basename = config.split('/')
    if len(config_basename) == 1:
        outfile = survey + '_' + config
        outfile = '/'.join(config_basename[0:-1]) + '/' + survey + '_' + config_basename[-1]

    # write new config file
    with open(config, 'r') as old, open(outfile, 'w+') as new:
    return outfile