Module deeplenstronomy.deeplenstronomy

The main module for dataset generation.

Expand source code
"""The main module for dataset generation."""

import os
import random
import sys
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from deeplenstronomy.input_reader import Organizer, Parser
from deeplenstronomy.image_generator import ImageGenerator
from deeplenstronomy.utils import draw_from_user_dist, organize_image_backgrounds, read_images
from deeplenstronomy import surveys

class Dataset():
    def __init__(self, config=None, save=False, store=True):
        Create a dataset. If config file or config dict is supplied, generate it.

            config (str or dict, optional, default=None): name of yaml configuration file
                specifying dataset characteristics or a pre-parsed yaml file as a dictionary 
            store (bool, optional, default=True): store the generated data as attributes of this object
            save (bool, optional, default=False): save the generated data to disk
        if config:
            make_dataset(config, dataset=self, save=save, store=store)

    def update_param(self, new_param_dict, configuration):
        Update single parameters to new values.

            new_param_dict (dict): {'param_1_name': new_value_1, 'param_2_name': new_value_2, ...}
            configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...     
        # Put in the updated values
        for new_param, new_value in new_param_dict.items():
            exec("self.config_dict" + self._locate(new_param, configuration) + " = new_value")

    def update_param_dist(self, new_param_dist_dict, configuration):
        Update the distribution from which a parameter is drawn.

            new_param_dist_dict (dict): 
              Should look like this
                  {'param_1_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                                  'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_1,
                                                 'maximum': new_value_2}},
                  'param_2_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                                  'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_3,
                                                 'maximum': new_value_4}}, ...}   
            configuration (str):  like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
        # Put in the updated distributions
        for new_param, new_dist_info in new_param_dist_dict.items():
            location = self._locate(new_param, configuration)
            exec("self.config_dict" + location + " = {'DISTRIBUTION': {'NAME': '', 'PARAMETERS': {}}}")
            exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['NAME'] = new_dist_info['name']")
            for new_dist_param, new_dist_param_value in new_dist_info['parameters'].items():
                exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['PARAMETERS'][new_dist_param] = new_dist_param_value")


    def _locate(self, param, configuration):
        Find the path to the desired parameter in the main dictionary

        :param param: the name of the parameter you want to find the path for
        :param configuration: like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc... 
        :return: the path to the parameter
        if param[-1] in self.config_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(','):
            # Trim the band if the user left it in
            param = param[:-2]

        # DATASET- allowed params
        if param in ['SIZE', 'OUTDIR']:
            return "['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # COSMOLOGY
        elif param in ['H0', 'Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'm_nu', 'Ob0']:
            return "['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # IMAGE
        elif param in ['exposure_time', 'numPix', 'pixel_scale', 'psf_type', 'read_noise', 'ccd_gain']:
            return "['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # SURVEY
        elif param in ['BANDS', 'seeing', 'magnitude_zero_point', 'sky_brightness', 'num_exposures']:
            return "['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # NOISE
        elif param[0:5] == 'NOISE':
            # type of noise
            if param[-4:] == 'NAME':
                return "['GEOMETRY']['{0}']['{1}']".format(configuration, param.split('-')[0])
            # noise properties
                noise_name = self.config_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration][param.split('-')[0]]
                for k, v in self.config_dict['SPECIES'].items():
                    for v_key in v.keys():
                        if v_key[0:5] == 'NOISE':
                            if v['NAME'] == noise_name:
                                return "['SPECIES']['{0}']['PARAMETERS']['{1}']".format(k, param.split('-')[-1])
        # GEOMETRY and SPECIES
        elif param[0:5] == 'PLANE':
            # redshift
            if param[-8:] == 'REDSHIFT':
                return "['GEOMETRY']['{0}']['{1}']['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT']".format(configuration, param.split('-')[0])
            # timeseries - not available yet
            # species
                obj_name = self.config_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration][param.split('-')[0]][param.split('-')[1]]
                for k, v in self.config_dict['SPECIES'].items():
                    if 'NAME' in v.keys():
                        if obj_name == self.config_dict['SPECIES'][k]['NAME']:
                            return "['SPECIES']['{0}']['{1}']['PARAMETERS']['{2}']".format(k, param.split('-')[2], param.split('-')[-1])
                print("If you're seeing this message, you're trying to update something I wasn't prepared for.\nShoot me a message on Slack")
            print("If you're seeing this message, you're trying to update something I wasn't prepared for.\nShoot me a message on Slack")

    def regenerate(self, **make_dataset_args):
        Using the dictionary stored in self.config_dict, make a new dataset
            make_dataset_args (dict): arguments supplied to make_dataset when original dataset was generated
        params = dict(**make_dataset_args)
        params['config'] = self.config_dict
        params['dataset'] = self

    def search(self, param_name):
        Find all USERDIST column headers for a parameter.
            param_name (str): the parameter name to search for
            dict: keys contain object names, values contain a list of all possible USERDIST column headers
        obj_paths = ['["' + x[9:].replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("GEOMETRY") and x.find("OBJECT_") != -1]
        obj_names = []
        for x in obj_paths:
            obj_names.append(eval('self.config_dict["GEOMETRY"]' + x))
        species_paths = ['["' + x.replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("SPECIES") and x.endswith("NAME") and x.find("LIGHT_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("MASS_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("SHEAR_PROFILE_") == -1]
        species_names = []
        for x in species_paths:
            species_names.append(eval('self.config_dict' + x))
        paths = []
        for obj_idx, obj_name in enumerate(obj_names):
            for species_idx, species_name in enumerate(species_names):
                if obj_name == species_name:
                    paths.append({'name': obj_name,
                                  'obj_path': obj_paths[obj_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-2],
                                  'spe_path': species_paths[species_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-6]})
        output_dict = {} 
        for p in paths:

            hr_paths = [p['obj_path'] + '.' + x.replace('.PARAMETERS.', '.')[len(p['spe_path']):] for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith(p['spe_path']) and x.find(param_name) != -1]
            output_paths = []
            for hr_path in hr_paths:
                if hr_path.find('DISTRIBUTION') != -1:
                    # not recommended to use this feature to update parameters in distributions
                for band in self.bands:
                    output_paths.append(hr_path.replace('.', '-') + '-' + band)
            if len(output_paths) == 0:

            if p['name'] in output_dict.keys():
                output_dict[p['name']] += output_paths
                output_dict[p['name']] = output_paths
        return output_dict

def _flatten_image_info(sim_dict):
    Sim dict will have structure 
        {'g': {'param1': value1}, 'r': {'param1': value2} ...}
    This function will change the structure to
        {'param1_g': value1, 'param1_r': value2, ...}

    :param sim_dict: input sim_dict for ImageGenerator class
    :returns out_dict: flattened sim_dict
    out_dict = {}
    for band, v in sim_dict.items():
        for sim_param, sim_value in v.items():
            out_dict[sim_param + '-' + band] = sim_value

    return out_dict
def _get_forced_sim_inputs(forced_inputs, configurations, bands):

    force_param_inputs = {}
    for force_params in forced_inputs.values():
        for name_idx, name in enumerate(force_params['names']):
            prefices, suffices = [], []
            # Configuration dependence  
            if name.startswith("CONFIGURATION"):
                prefices = [name.split('-')[0]]
                param_name = '-'.join(name.split('-')[1:])
                prefices = configurations[:]
                param_name = name
            # Color dependence
            for b in bands:
                if name.endswith('-' + b):
                    suffices = [b]
                    param_name = '-'.join(param_name.split('-')[:-1])
            if len(suffices) == 0:
                suffices = bands[:]
                param_name = param_name # this is not necessary at all, but makes me feel good inside seeing it match with the other blocks

            # Duplicate drawn values to necessary configurations / bands
            for prefix in prefices:
                for suffix in suffices:
                    if len(np.shape(force_params['values'])) == 1:
                        force_param_inputs[(prefix, param_name, suffix)] = force_params['values']
                        #numpy array for multiple dimensions
                        force_param_inputs[(prefix, param_name, suffix)] = force_params['values'][:,name_idx]

    return force_param_inputs

def _check_survey(survey):
    if survey is None:
        return True
        return survey in dir(surveys)   

def _format_time(elapsed_time):
    Format a number of seconds as a HHMMSS string

    :param elapsed_time: float, an amount of time in seconds
    :return time_string: a formatted string of the elapsed time
    hours = elapsed_time // 3600
    minutes = (elapsed_time - hours * 3600) // 60
    seconds = elapsed_time - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)
    return "%i H %i M %i S" %(hours, minutes, seconds)

def make_dataset(config, dataset=None, save_to_disk=False, store_in_memory=True,
                 verbose=False, store_sample=False, image_file_format='npy',
                 survey=None, return_planes=False, skip_image_generation=False,
    Generate a dataset from a config file.

        config (str or dict): name of yaml file specifying dataset characteristics or pre-parsed yaml file as dictionary
        verbose (bool, optional, default=False): print progress and status  updates at runtime
        store_in_memory (bool, optional, default=True): save images and metadata as attributes 
        save_to_disk (bool, optional, default=False): save images and metadata to disk   
        store_sample (bool, optional, default=False): save five images and metadata as attribute 
        image_file_format (str, optional, default='npy'): outfile format type, options include ('npy', 'h5')
        survey (str or None, optional, default=None): a default astronomical survey to use 
        return_planes (bool, optional, default=False): return the lens, source, noise, and point source planes of the simulated images
        skip_image_generation (bool, optional, default=False): skip image generation
        solve_lens_equation (bool, optional, default=False): calculate the source positions
        dataset (Dataset): and instance of the Dataset class

        RuntimeError: If `skip_image_generation == True` and `solve_lens_equation == True`
        RuntimeError: If `survey` is not a valid survey name

    if solve_lens_equation and skip_image_generation:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot skip image generation and solve the lens equation")
    if dataset is None:
        dataset = Dataset()
        parser = dataset.parser

    # set arguments of dataset generation
    dataset.arguments = dict(**locals())

    if isinstance(config, dict):
        dataset.config_dict = config
        # Store config file
        dataset.config_file = config
        # Parse the config file and store config dict
        if not _check_survey(survey):
            raise RuntimeError("survey={0} is not a valid survey.".format(survey))
        parser = Parser(config, survey=survey)
        dataset.config_dict = parser.config_dict

    # store parser
    dataset.parser = parser

    # Store top-level dataset info = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['NAME']
    dataset.size = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['SIZE']
    dataset.outdir = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR']
    dataset.bands = dataset.config_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')
        dataset.seed = int(dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']["SEED"])
    except KeyError:
        dataset.seed = random.randint(0, 100)

    # Make the output directory if it doesn't exist already
    if save_to_disk:
        if not os.path.exists(dataset.outdir):
    # Organize the configuration dict
    organizer = Organizer(dataset.config_dict, verbose=verbose)

    # Store configurations
    dataset.configurations = list(organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.keys())

    # Store species map
    dataset.species_map = organizer._species_map

    # If user-specified distributions exist, draw from them
    forced_inputs = {}
    for fp in parser.file_paths:
        filename = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['FILENAME']")
        mode = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['MODE']")
            step = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['STEP']")
        except KeyError:
            step = 10
        draw_param_names, draw_param_values = draw_from_user_dist(filename, dataset.size, mode, step)
        forced_inputs[filename] = {'names': draw_param_names, 'values': draw_param_values}
    # Overwrite the configuration dict with any forced values from user distribtuions
    force_param_inputs = _get_forced_sim_inputs(forced_inputs, dataset.configurations, dataset.bands)

    for force_param, values in force_param_inputs.items():
        configuration, param_name, band = force_param
        warned = False

        sim_inputs = organizer.configuration_sim_dicts[configuration]
        for sim_input, val in zip(sim_inputs, values):
            if param_name in sim_input[band].keys():
                sim_input[band][param_name] = val
                if not warned:
                    print("WARNING: " + param_name + " is not present in the simulated dataset and may produce unexpected behavior. Use<param name>) to find all expected names")
                    warned = True
    # Skip image generation if desired
    if skip_image_generation:
        # Handle metadata and return dataset object
        for configuration, sim_inputs in organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.items():
            metadata = [_flatten_image_info(image_info) for image_info in sim_inputs]
            metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(metadata)
            del metadata
            if save_to_disk:
                metadata_df.to_csv('{0}/{1}_metadata.csv'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), index=False)
            if store_in_memory:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df)
        return dataset
    # Initialize the ImageGenerator
    ImGen = ImageGenerator(return_planes, solve_lens_equation)

    # Handle image backgrounds if they exist
    if len(parser.image_paths) > 0:
        im_dir = parser.config_dict['BACKGROUNDS']["PATH"]
        image_backgrounds = read_images(im_dir, parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], dataset.bands)
        image_backgrounds = np.zeros((len(dataset.bands), parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix']))[np.newaxis,:]
    # Simulate images
    for configuration, sim_inputs in organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.items():

        if verbose:
            print("Generating images for {0}".format(configuration))
            start_time = time.time()
            counter = 0
            total = len(sim_inputs)

        # Handle image backgrounds if they exist
        if len(parser.image_paths) > 0 and configuration in parser.image_configurations:
            image_indices = organize_image_backgrounds(im_dir, len(image_backgrounds), [_flatten_image_info(sim_input) for sim_input in sim_inputs], configuration)
            additive_image_backgrounds = image_backgrounds[image_indices]
            image_indices = np.zeros(len(sim_inputs), dtype=int)
            temp_array = np.zeros((len(dataset.bands), parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix']))[np.newaxis,:]
            additive_image_backgrounds = temp_array[image_indices]
        metadata, images = [], []
        if return_planes:
            planes = []

        for image_info, image_idx in zip(sim_inputs, image_indices):
            # track progress if verbose
            if verbose:
                counter += 1
                if counter % 50 == 0:
                    progress = counter / total * 100
                    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\tProgress: %.1f %%  ---  Elapsed Time: %s' %(progress, _format_time(elapsed_time)))
            # Add background image index to image_info
            for band in dataset.bands:
                image_info[band]['BACKGROUND_IDX'] = image_idx
            # make the image
            simulated_image_data = ImGen.sim_image(image_info)
            if not return_planes:

            # Add any additional metadata to the image info
            if len(simulated_image_data['additional_metadata']) != 0:
                for info in simulated_image_data['additional_metadata']:
                    band = info['PARAM_NAME'].split('-')[-1]
                    param = '-'.join(info['PARAM_NAME'].split('-')[0:-1])
                    image_info[band][param] = info['PARAM_VALUE']

            if solve_lens_equation:
                for band in dataset.bands:
                    image_info[band]['x_mins'] = ';'.join([str(x) for x in simulated_image_data['x_mins']])
                    image_info[band]['y_mins'] = ';'.join([str(x) for x in simulated_image_data['y_mins']])
                    image_info[band]['num_source_images'] = simulated_image_data['num_source_images']
            # Save metadata for each simulated image 

            # update the progress if in verbose mode
            if verbose:
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                if counter == len(sim_inputs):
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\tProgress: 100.0 %%  ---  Elapsed Time: %s\n' %(_format_time(elapsed_time)))

        # Group images -- the array index will correspond to the id_num of the metadata
        configuration_images = np.array(images)

        # Group planes if requested
        if return_planes:
            configuration_planes = np.array(planes)

        # Add image backgrounds -- will just add zeros if no backgrounds have been specified
        configuration_images += additive_image_backgrounds
        # Convert the metadata to a dataframe
        metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(metadata)
        del metadata

        # Save the images and metadata to the outdir if desired (ideal for large simulation production)
        if save_to_disk:
            if image_file_format == 'npy':
      '{0}/{1}_images.npy'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), configuration_images)
                if return_planes:
          '{0}/{1}_planes.npy'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), configuration_planes)
            elif image_file_format == 'h5':
                hf = h5py.File('{0}/{1}_images.h5'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), 'w')
                hf.create_dataset(, data=configuration_images)
                if return_planes:
                    hf = h5py.File('{0}/{1}_planes.h5'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), 'w')
                    hf.create_dataset(, data=configuration_planes)
                print("ERROR: {0} is not a supported argument for image_file_format".format(image_file_format))
            metadata_df.to_csv('{0}/{1}_metadata.csv'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), index=False)

        # Store the images and metadata to the Dataset object (ideal for small scale testing)
        if store_in_memory:
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_images'.format(configuration), configuration_images)
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df)
            if return_planes:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_planes'.format(configuration), configuration_planes)
        elif store_sample:
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_images'.format(configuration), configuration_images[0:5].copy())
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df.iloc[0:5].copy())
            del configuration_images
            del metadata_df                
            if return_planes:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_planes'.format(configuration), configuration_planes[0:5].copy())
                del configuration_planes
            # Clean up things that are done to save space
            del configuration_images
            del metadata_df
            if return_planes:
                del configuration_planes

    return dataset

if __name__ == "__main__":


def make_dataset(config, dataset=None, save_to_disk=False, store_in_memory=True, verbose=False, store_sample=False, image_file_format='npy', survey=None, return_planes=False, skip_image_generation=False, solve_lens_equation=False)

Generate a dataset from a config file.


config : str or dict
name of yaml file specifying dataset characteristics or pre-parsed yaml file as dictionary
verbose : bool, optional, default=False
print progress and status updates at runtime
store_in_memory : bool, optional, default=True
save images and metadata as attributes
save_to_disk : bool, optional, default=False
save images and metadata to disk
store_sample : bool, optional, default=False
save five images and metadata as attribute
image_file_format (str, optional, default='npy'): outfile format type, options include ('npy', 'h5')
survey : str or None, optional, default=None
a default astronomical survey to use
return_planes : bool, optional, default=False
return the lens, source, noise, and point source planes of the simulated images
skip_image_generation : bool, optional, default=False
skip image generation
solve_lens_equation : bool, optional, default=False
calculate the source positions


dataset (Dataset): and instance of the Dataset class


If skip_image_generation == True and solve_lens_equation == True
If survey is not a valid survey name
Expand source code
def make_dataset(config, dataset=None, save_to_disk=False, store_in_memory=True,
                 verbose=False, store_sample=False, image_file_format='npy',
                 survey=None, return_planes=False, skip_image_generation=False,
    Generate a dataset from a config file.

        config (str or dict): name of yaml file specifying dataset characteristics or pre-parsed yaml file as dictionary
        verbose (bool, optional, default=False): print progress and status  updates at runtime
        store_in_memory (bool, optional, default=True): save images and metadata as attributes 
        save_to_disk (bool, optional, default=False): save images and metadata to disk   
        store_sample (bool, optional, default=False): save five images and metadata as attribute 
        image_file_format (str, optional, default='npy'): outfile format type, options include ('npy', 'h5')
        survey (str or None, optional, default=None): a default astronomical survey to use 
        return_planes (bool, optional, default=False): return the lens, source, noise, and point source planes of the simulated images
        skip_image_generation (bool, optional, default=False): skip image generation
        solve_lens_equation (bool, optional, default=False): calculate the source positions
        dataset (Dataset): and instance of the Dataset class

        RuntimeError: If `skip_image_generation == True` and `solve_lens_equation == True`
        RuntimeError: If `survey` is not a valid survey name

    if solve_lens_equation and skip_image_generation:
        raise RuntimeError("You cannot skip image generation and solve the lens equation")
    if dataset is None:
        dataset = Dataset()
        parser = dataset.parser

    # set arguments of dataset generation
    dataset.arguments = dict(**locals())

    if isinstance(config, dict):
        dataset.config_dict = config
        # Store config file
        dataset.config_file = config
        # Parse the config file and store config dict
        if not _check_survey(survey):
            raise RuntimeError("survey={0} is not a valid survey.".format(survey))
        parser = Parser(config, survey=survey)
        dataset.config_dict = parser.config_dict

    # store parser
    dataset.parser = parser

    # Store top-level dataset info = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['NAME']
    dataset.size = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['SIZE']
    dataset.outdir = dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['OUTDIR']
    dataset.bands = dataset.config_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(',')
        dataset.seed = int(dataset.config_dict['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']["SEED"])
    except KeyError:
        dataset.seed = random.randint(0, 100)

    # Make the output directory if it doesn't exist already
    if save_to_disk:
        if not os.path.exists(dataset.outdir):
    # Organize the configuration dict
    organizer = Organizer(dataset.config_dict, verbose=verbose)

    # Store configurations
    dataset.configurations = list(organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.keys())

    # Store species map
    dataset.species_map = organizer._species_map

    # If user-specified distributions exist, draw from them
    forced_inputs = {}
    for fp in parser.file_paths:
        filename = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['FILENAME']")
        mode = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['MODE']")
            step = eval("parser.config_dict['" + fp.replace('.', "']['") + "']" + "['STEP']")
        except KeyError:
            step = 10
        draw_param_names, draw_param_values = draw_from_user_dist(filename, dataset.size, mode, step)
        forced_inputs[filename] = {'names': draw_param_names, 'values': draw_param_values}
    # Overwrite the configuration dict with any forced values from user distribtuions
    force_param_inputs = _get_forced_sim_inputs(forced_inputs, dataset.configurations, dataset.bands)

    for force_param, values in force_param_inputs.items():
        configuration, param_name, band = force_param
        warned = False

        sim_inputs = organizer.configuration_sim_dicts[configuration]
        for sim_input, val in zip(sim_inputs, values):
            if param_name in sim_input[band].keys():
                sim_input[band][param_name] = val
                if not warned:
                    print("WARNING: " + param_name + " is not present in the simulated dataset and may produce unexpected behavior. Use<param name>) to find all expected names")
                    warned = True
    # Skip image generation if desired
    if skip_image_generation:
        # Handle metadata and return dataset object
        for configuration, sim_inputs in organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.items():
            metadata = [_flatten_image_info(image_info) for image_info in sim_inputs]
            metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(metadata)
            del metadata
            if save_to_disk:
                metadata_df.to_csv('{0}/{1}_metadata.csv'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), index=False)
            if store_in_memory:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df)
        return dataset
    # Initialize the ImageGenerator
    ImGen = ImageGenerator(return_planes, solve_lens_equation)

    # Handle image backgrounds if they exist
    if len(parser.image_paths) > 0:
        im_dir = parser.config_dict['BACKGROUNDS']["PATH"]
        image_backgrounds = read_images(im_dir, parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], dataset.bands)
        image_backgrounds = np.zeros((len(dataset.bands), parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix']))[np.newaxis,:]
    # Simulate images
    for configuration, sim_inputs in organizer.configuration_sim_dicts.items():

        if verbose:
            print("Generating images for {0}".format(configuration))
            start_time = time.time()
            counter = 0
            total = len(sim_inputs)

        # Handle image backgrounds if they exist
        if len(parser.image_paths) > 0 and configuration in parser.image_configurations:
            image_indices = organize_image_backgrounds(im_dir, len(image_backgrounds), [_flatten_image_info(sim_input) for sim_input in sim_inputs], configuration)
            additive_image_backgrounds = image_backgrounds[image_indices]
            image_indices = np.zeros(len(sim_inputs), dtype=int)
            temp_array = np.zeros((len(dataset.bands), parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix'], parser.config_dict['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['numPix']))[np.newaxis,:]
            additive_image_backgrounds = temp_array[image_indices]
        metadata, images = [], []
        if return_planes:
            planes = []

        for image_info, image_idx in zip(sim_inputs, image_indices):
            # track progress if verbose
            if verbose:
                counter += 1
                if counter % 50 == 0:
                    progress = counter / total * 100
                    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\tProgress: %.1f %%  ---  Elapsed Time: %s' %(progress, _format_time(elapsed_time)))
            # Add background image index to image_info
            for band in dataset.bands:
                image_info[band]['BACKGROUND_IDX'] = image_idx
            # make the image
            simulated_image_data = ImGen.sim_image(image_info)
            if not return_planes:

            # Add any additional metadata to the image info
            if len(simulated_image_data['additional_metadata']) != 0:
                for info in simulated_image_data['additional_metadata']:
                    band = info['PARAM_NAME'].split('-')[-1]
                    param = '-'.join(info['PARAM_NAME'].split('-')[0:-1])
                    image_info[band][param] = info['PARAM_VALUE']

            if solve_lens_equation:
                for band in dataset.bands:
                    image_info[band]['x_mins'] = ';'.join([str(x) for x in simulated_image_data['x_mins']])
                    image_info[band]['y_mins'] = ';'.join([str(x) for x in simulated_image_data['y_mins']])
                    image_info[band]['num_source_images'] = simulated_image_data['num_source_images']
            # Save metadata for each simulated image 

            # update the progress if in verbose mode
            if verbose:
                elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
                if counter == len(sim_inputs):
                    sys.stdout.write('\r\tProgress: 100.0 %%  ---  Elapsed Time: %s\n' %(_format_time(elapsed_time)))

        # Group images -- the array index will correspond to the id_num of the metadata
        configuration_images = np.array(images)

        # Group planes if requested
        if return_planes:
            configuration_planes = np.array(planes)

        # Add image backgrounds -- will just add zeros if no backgrounds have been specified
        configuration_images += additive_image_backgrounds
        # Convert the metadata to a dataframe
        metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(metadata)
        del metadata

        # Save the images and metadata to the outdir if desired (ideal for large simulation production)
        if save_to_disk:
            if image_file_format == 'npy':
      '{0}/{1}_images.npy'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), configuration_images)
                if return_planes:
          '{0}/{1}_planes.npy'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), configuration_planes)
            elif image_file_format == 'h5':
                hf = h5py.File('{0}/{1}_images.h5'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), 'w')
                hf.create_dataset(, data=configuration_images)
                if return_planes:
                    hf = h5py.File('{0}/{1}_planes.h5'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), 'w')
                    hf.create_dataset(, data=configuration_planes)
                print("ERROR: {0} is not a supported argument for image_file_format".format(image_file_format))
            metadata_df.to_csv('{0}/{1}_metadata.csv'.format(dataset.outdir, configuration), index=False)

        # Store the images and metadata to the Dataset object (ideal for small scale testing)
        if store_in_memory:
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_images'.format(configuration), configuration_images)
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df)
            if return_planes:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_planes'.format(configuration), configuration_planes)
        elif store_sample:
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_images'.format(configuration), configuration_images[0:5].copy())
            setattr(dataset, '{0}_metadata'.format(configuration), metadata_df.iloc[0:5].copy())
            del configuration_images
            del metadata_df                
            if return_planes:
                setattr(dataset, '{0}_planes'.format(configuration), configuration_planes[0:5].copy())
                del configuration_planes
            # Clean up things that are done to save space
            del configuration_images
            del metadata_df
            if return_planes:
                del configuration_planes

    return dataset


class Dataset (config=None, save=False, store=True)

Create a dataset. If config file or config dict is supplied, generate it.


config : str or dict, optional, default=None
name of yaml configuration file specifying dataset characteristics or a pre-parsed yaml file as a dictionary
store : bool, optional, default=True
store the generated data as attributes of this object
save : bool, optional, default=False
save the generated data to disk
Expand source code
class Dataset():
    def __init__(self, config=None, save=False, store=True):
        Create a dataset. If config file or config dict is supplied, generate it.

            config (str or dict, optional, default=None): name of yaml configuration file
                specifying dataset characteristics or a pre-parsed yaml file as a dictionary 
            store (bool, optional, default=True): store the generated data as attributes of this object
            save (bool, optional, default=False): save the generated data to disk
        if config:
            make_dataset(config, dataset=self, save=save, store=store)

    def update_param(self, new_param_dict, configuration):
        Update single parameters to new values.

            new_param_dict (dict): {'param_1_name': new_value_1, 'param_2_name': new_value_2, ...}
            configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...     
        # Put in the updated values
        for new_param, new_value in new_param_dict.items():
            exec("self.config_dict" + self._locate(new_param, configuration) + " = new_value")

    def update_param_dist(self, new_param_dist_dict, configuration):
        Update the distribution from which a parameter is drawn.

            new_param_dist_dict (dict): 
              Should look like this
                  {'param_1_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                                  'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_1,
                                                 'maximum': new_value_2}},
                  'param_2_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                                  'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_3,
                                                 'maximum': new_value_4}}, ...}   
            configuration (str):  like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
        # Put in the updated distributions
        for new_param, new_dist_info in new_param_dist_dict.items():
            location = self._locate(new_param, configuration)
            exec("self.config_dict" + location + " = {'DISTRIBUTION': {'NAME': '', 'PARAMETERS': {}}}")
            exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['NAME'] = new_dist_info['name']")
            for new_dist_param, new_dist_param_value in new_dist_info['parameters'].items():
                exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['PARAMETERS'][new_dist_param] = new_dist_param_value")


    def _locate(self, param, configuration):
        Find the path to the desired parameter in the main dictionary

        :param param: the name of the parameter you want to find the path for
        :param configuration: like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc... 
        :return: the path to the parameter
        if param[-1] in self.config_dict['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['BANDS'].split(','):
            # Trim the band if the user left it in
            param = param[:-2]

        # DATASET- allowed params
        if param in ['SIZE', 'OUTDIR']:
            return "['DATASET']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # COSMOLOGY
        elif param in ['H0', 'Om0', 'Tcmb0', 'Neff', 'm_nu', 'Ob0']:
            return "['COSMOLOGY']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # IMAGE
        elif param in ['exposure_time', 'numPix', 'pixel_scale', 'psf_type', 'read_noise', 'ccd_gain']:
            return "['IMAGE']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # SURVEY
        elif param in ['BANDS', 'seeing', 'magnitude_zero_point', 'sky_brightness', 'num_exposures']:
            return "['SURVEY']['PARAMETERS']['{0}']".format(param)
        # NOISE
        elif param[0:5] == 'NOISE':
            # type of noise
            if param[-4:] == 'NAME':
                return "['GEOMETRY']['{0}']['{1}']".format(configuration, param.split('-')[0])
            # noise properties
                noise_name = self.config_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration][param.split('-')[0]]
                for k, v in self.config_dict['SPECIES'].items():
                    for v_key in v.keys():
                        if v_key[0:5] == 'NOISE':
                            if v['NAME'] == noise_name:
                                return "['SPECIES']['{0}']['PARAMETERS']['{1}']".format(k, param.split('-')[-1])
        # GEOMETRY and SPECIES
        elif param[0:5] == 'PLANE':
            # redshift
            if param[-8:] == 'REDSHIFT':
                return "['GEOMETRY']['{0}']['{1}']['PARAMETERS']['REDSHIFT']".format(configuration, param.split('-')[0])
            # timeseries - not available yet
            # species
                obj_name = self.config_dict['GEOMETRY'][configuration][param.split('-')[0]][param.split('-')[1]]
                for k, v in self.config_dict['SPECIES'].items():
                    if 'NAME' in v.keys():
                        if obj_name == self.config_dict['SPECIES'][k]['NAME']:
                            return "['SPECIES']['{0}']['{1}']['PARAMETERS']['{2}']".format(k, param.split('-')[2], param.split('-')[-1])
                print("If you're seeing this message, you're trying to update something I wasn't prepared for.\nShoot me a message on Slack")
            print("If you're seeing this message, you're trying to update something I wasn't prepared for.\nShoot me a message on Slack")

    def regenerate(self, **make_dataset_args):
        Using the dictionary stored in self.config_dict, make a new dataset
            make_dataset_args (dict): arguments supplied to make_dataset when original dataset was generated
        params = dict(**make_dataset_args)
        params['config'] = self.config_dict
        params['dataset'] = self

    def search(self, param_name):
        Find all USERDIST column headers for a parameter.
            param_name (str): the parameter name to search for
            dict: keys contain object names, values contain a list of all possible USERDIST column headers
        obj_paths = ['["' + x[9:].replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("GEOMETRY") and x.find("OBJECT_") != -1]
        obj_names = []
        for x in obj_paths:
            obj_names.append(eval('self.config_dict["GEOMETRY"]' + x))
        species_paths = ['["' + x.replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("SPECIES") and x.endswith("NAME") and x.find("LIGHT_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("MASS_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("SHEAR_PROFILE_") == -1]
        species_names = []
        for x in species_paths:
            species_names.append(eval('self.config_dict' + x))
        paths = []
        for obj_idx, obj_name in enumerate(obj_names):
            for species_idx, species_name in enumerate(species_names):
                if obj_name == species_name:
                    paths.append({'name': obj_name,
                                  'obj_path': obj_paths[obj_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-2],
                                  'spe_path': species_paths[species_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-6]})
        output_dict = {} 
        for p in paths:

            hr_paths = [p['obj_path'] + '.' + x.replace('.PARAMETERS.', '.')[len(p['spe_path']):] for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith(p['spe_path']) and x.find(param_name) != -1]
            output_paths = []
            for hr_path in hr_paths:
                if hr_path.find('DISTRIBUTION') != -1:
                    # not recommended to use this feature to update parameters in distributions
                for band in self.bands:
                    output_paths.append(hr_path.replace('.', '-') + '-' + band)
            if len(output_paths) == 0:

            if p['name'] in output_dict.keys():
                output_dict[p['name']] += output_paths
                output_dict[p['name']] = output_paths
        return output_dict


def regenerate(self, **make_dataset_args)

Using the dictionary stored in self.config_dict, make a new dataset


make_dataset_args : dict
arguments supplied to make_dataset when original dataset was generated
Expand source code
def regenerate(self, **make_dataset_args):
    Using the dictionary stored in self.config_dict, make a new dataset
        make_dataset_args (dict): arguments supplied to make_dataset when original dataset was generated
    params = dict(**make_dataset_args)
    params['config'] = self.config_dict
    params['dataset'] = self
def search(self, param_name)

Find all USERDIST column headers for a parameter.


param_name : str
the parameter name to search for


keys contain object names, values contain a list of all possible USERDIST column headers
Expand source code
def search(self, param_name):
    Find all USERDIST column headers for a parameter.
        param_name (str): the parameter name to search for
        dict: keys contain object names, values contain a list of all possible USERDIST column headers
    obj_paths = ['["' + x[9:].replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("GEOMETRY") and x.find("OBJECT_") != -1]
    obj_names = []
    for x in obj_paths:
        obj_names.append(eval('self.config_dict["GEOMETRY"]' + x))
    species_paths = ['["' + x.replace('.', '"]["') + '"]' for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith("SPECIES") and x.endswith("NAME") and x.find("LIGHT_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("MASS_PROFILE_") == -1 and x.find("SHEAR_PROFILE_") == -1]
    species_names = []
    for x in species_paths:
        species_names.append(eval('self.config_dict' + x))

    paths = []
    for obj_idx, obj_name in enumerate(obj_names):
        for species_idx, species_name in enumerate(species_names):
            if obj_name == species_name:
                paths.append({'name': obj_name,
                              'obj_path': obj_paths[obj_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-2],
                              'spe_path': species_paths[species_idx].replace('"]["', '.')[2:-6]})
    output_dict = {} 
    for p in paths:

        hr_paths = [p['obj_path'] + '.' + x.replace('.PARAMETERS.', '.')[len(p['spe_path']):] for x in self.config_dict.keypaths() if x.startswith(p['spe_path']) and x.find(param_name) != -1]
        output_paths = []
        for hr_path in hr_paths:
            if hr_path.find('DISTRIBUTION') != -1:
                # not recommended to use this feature to update parameters in distributions
            for band in self.bands:
                output_paths.append(hr_path.replace('.', '-') + '-' + band)
        if len(output_paths) == 0:

        if p['name'] in output_dict.keys():
            output_dict[p['name']] += output_paths
            output_dict[p['name']] = output_paths
    return output_dict
def update_param(self, new_param_dict, configuration)

Update single parameters to new values.


new_param_dict : dict
{'param_1_name': new_value_1, 'param_2_name': new_value_2, …}
configuration : str
Expand source code
def update_param(self, new_param_dict, configuration):
    Update single parameters to new values.

        new_param_dict (dict): {'param_1_name': new_value_1, 'param_2_name': new_value_2, ...}
        configuration (str): like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...     
    # Put in the updated values
    for new_param, new_value in new_param_dict.items():
        exec("self.config_dict" + self._locate(new_param, configuration) + " = new_value")
def update_param_dist(self, new_param_dist_dict, configuration)

Update the distribution from which a parameter is drawn.


new_param_dist_dict : dict
Should look like this
{'param_1_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_1,
                               'maximum': new_value_2}},
'param_2_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_3,
                               'maximum': new_value_4}}, ...}
configuration : str
Expand source code
def update_param_dist(self, new_param_dist_dict, configuration):
    Update the distribution from which a parameter is drawn.

        new_param_dist_dict (dict): 
          Should look like this
              {'param_1_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                              'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_1,
                                             'maximum': new_value_2}},
              'param_2_name': {'name': 'uniform',
                              'parameters': {'minimum': new_value_3,
                                             'maximum': new_value_4}}, ...}   
        configuration (str):  like 'CONFIGURATION_1', 'CONFIGURATION_2', etc...
    # Put in the updated distributions
    for new_param, new_dist_info in new_param_dist_dict.items():
        location = self._locate(new_param, configuration)
        exec("self.config_dict" + location + " = {'DISTRIBUTION': {'NAME': '', 'PARAMETERS': {}}}")
        exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['NAME'] = new_dist_info['name']")
        for new_dist_param, new_dist_param_value in new_dist_info['parameters'].items():
            exec("self.config_dict" + location + "['DISTRIBUTION']['PARAMETERS'][new_dist_param] = new_dist_param_value")
